Top Dating Tips For Long-Lasting Relationships

Doris Gordon Dating
2 min readOct 14, 2022


The distance for any pair is a serious test of strength. The lack of live communication, tactility, the opportunity to be around can lead to a cooling of feelings. Moreover, all this can lead to a breakup. To prevent this from happening to your relationship, follow these simple rules:

Communicate more often

Emotional closeness between people depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of communication, so try to call up every day if possible. It is better to set aside a certain time for this, which will be convenient for both of you and will give you the opportunity to fully talk with each other, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

Spend holidays together

Make shared vacation and holiday plans so you can spend more time together. And if you have a choice to meet every couple of months for one or two days or for a week every six months, it is better to choose the first option. This will allow you to keep your relationship in good shape for longer.
Send each other photos and videos

We receive almost 80% of the information when communicating non-verbally, so in long-distance relationships it is especially important to be able to see the face of a loved one more often — his facial expressions and lively emotions, to be charged with his mood. This way you can maintain an emotional connection with your partner. This will allow you to better understand what state he is in now and what feelings he really experiences, as well as to track the appearance of negative trends in relationships in time and have time to work them out in time.

Support each other

When a loved one is far away and you do not have the opportunity to see him and feel support, you can become psychologically vulnerable: you begin to react more painfully to criticism, it is harder to experience difficulties at work and get upset over small things. And all because of the fact that it is important for every person to feel loved and understood. Therefore, try to compliment your partner, rejoice at his achievements together and not criticize for his mistakes.
Pay attention to yourself

In a relationship, there should always be time for yourself and your hobbies. Don’t spend your life waiting for a call or a meeting. Use separation as an opportunity to get, for example, additional education, go to courses or go to the gym, see friends with whom you still could not arrange a meeting, or learn a new sport.

Define general plans for the future

Partners must understand exactly how they see a joint future. Do their views on parenting and family coincide? Where would they like to live? Do they have common goals? Are the professional ambitions of one running counter to the desires of the other? Without this understanding, it is simply impossible to build strong relationships that will last for a long time, especially at a distance.



Doris Gordon Dating

Specializing in online dating. I'll help you find love in the digital age! 💘#onlinedating 🌐 DatingCoachesNYC